During this challenging period, I wanted to convey my gratitude and humble appreciation for the support that the community of Prescott has shown us through the years.
The situation, that we and many other businesses are facing, is unparalleled and requires the utmost of care and careful consideration going forward. Given such, I would like to inform you as to our intentions and procedures to allow for the continued operation of El Gato Azul in a limited capacity. My goal is to allow a place of safe respite for our guests, and income for our employees.
For the time being, El Gato will be operating under the strictest of safety measures following the most recent guidelines established by the Yavapai County Department of Health and our City Leaders, such as heightened sanitation practices.
I am confident that we have taken ever measure possible to create a safe escape and product for our guests. Besides the obvious sanitation concerns that we have addressed, we are also aware that the future will present financial hardships to many. We are currently in the process of addressing this in a positive manner though a pick-up prepared meal program priced appropriately for families and individuals.
We are currently offering our full menu for take out/curbside pickup, but may be modifying the available selections as we assess the financial viability.
In the meantime,
it is business as usual with the following additions:
Family Style Heat & Serve Meals
El Gato be will be offering a selection of Prepared Heat and Serve meals each day. Each meal will feed a family of four, including Salad, Entrée, Appropriate Sides, and Bread. Selections and pricing will be posted on our Facebook page and other social media.

Call ahead curbside pick up
There will be designated parking spaces near the entrance of El Gato where guests can call ahead and have food items conveniently delivered to their cars.
Student home lunches
These are meals prepared specifically for students and children and will include offerings such as Chicken Fingers, Macaroni and Cheese, Sandwiches, Enchiladas, etc. These will be provided at a reasonable price to allow caregivers to get out the kitchen while providing a healthy and affordable meal for your child.

"Gato Community Gives” program
El Gato Azul will be providing no-cost meals to local individuals facing financial hardship.
These meals will be provided at no cost to local non profits and individuals who request them. We will be asking for donations from community members to help off set the cost of food items and El Gato will provide all labor in meal prep at no cost. Donations will only go to paying for the cost of the food product, and El Gato Azul will retain no monies as a form of income. Please look for details on this later this afternoon as we are in the early stages of implementing this program.
We currently plan on maintaining daily business hours,
with the exception that we will closing for business at 8pm nightly.
In addition to taking extra health safety precautions, we will also be providing a no cost Take Home Meal program to our staff who may be experiencing financial issues of their own. These meals are designed to feed a family of four, and will be available to our staff three days a week.
I believe strongly that the hospitality industry is needed more than ever during times of crisis. Social Isolation leading to Depression are very real effects during times such as these and we consider it our responsibility to help lessen the negative as much of that as we can.
Wherever you do decide to dine, please make a point of thanking those establishments that are doing the right thing, following suggested health protocol, and providing a safe haven for you to sit back, relax and escape the many challenges we are all facing, if only for a while.
Thanks again, stay safe, and wash your hands.
P.S. - Keep checking our social media page for daily updates on Meals-to-Go, and possible changes in operational hours.